Nosebleed in Pregnancy Boy or Girl (A Gender Clue or Myth?)

April 15, 2023

By: Smily Mom

From the moment that little stick turns positive, expectant parents cannot help but wonder if they’re having a boy or a girl. Often, this leads them to search for subtle clues or signs that may indicate the gender of the baby.

Some people associate hair loss or nosebleeds with having a baby girl, while others take carrying low and glowing skin as signs of a baby boy. But is there any truth to these old wives tales?


Nose bleeding is one of the many common symptoms experienced during pregnancy. While it’s widely believed that nosebleeds during pregnancy is a sign of a baby girl, there is no scientific evidence to support the claim. In fact, the sex of the baby has nothing to do with any symptoms during pregnancy.

If you are a mamma-to-be and have been experiencing nose bleeding lately, stick around till the end of the article to find out more!

Does Nose Bleeding in Pregnancy Mean Boy or Girl? 

Pregnancy is not as magical as people make it out to be. A pregnant woman undergoes a lot of changes to accommodate the growing baby inside her body. This results in symptoms of morning sickness, nausea, weight gain, mood swings, and sometimes, epistaxis or nosebleeds.

Nosebleeds are incredibly common during pregnancy, affecting more than 20% women at some point. While they can happen at any time, they tend to be more frequent during the first trimester.

While it’s a common symptom, there are many people out there who live under the impression that nose bleeding during pregnancy is a sign of a baby girl. However, there’s no scientific evidence to back up this claim. It’s nothing but an old wives tale that has been debunked by medical science over and over again. 

While it can be fun to speculate about the gender of the baby, the only way to know for sure is through medical testing. Thanks to technology, there are tons of tests out there to help determine the gender of your unborn baby, including ultrasound and genetic testing.

Always keep in mind that physical symptoms during pregnancy have nothing to do with the gender of your baby, but rather how your body is responding to the pregnancy. So, if you experience symptoms like nosebleeds or anything unusual, instead of assuming it as a hint, seek medical help right away.

What Causes Nosebleeds During Pregnancy?

As mentioned earlier, nosebleeds during pregnancy are pretty common, and there are a few factors that can contribute to them. When you’re pregnant, the amount of blood in your body increases significantly. This increased blood volume can put strain on the fragile blood vessels, causing them to rupture and bleed.  

According to a study, more than 60% of pregnant women experience nasal congestion during their pregnancy. The hormonal changes during this time lead to an increase in mucus production in the nasal passage, also known as “pregnancy rhinitis”.  This can lead to stuffy nose and nosebleeds. 

The majority of the women out there also suffer from dehydration at some point in their pregnancy, which has been linked to nosebleeds. Some other factors, including dry air, allergies, sinus infections, or high blood pressure, may come into play.

That being said, there might be some other underlying issues that can cause nosebleeds during pregnancy. Thus, it’s always best to consult with a doctor for an accurate diagnosis to rule out any potential risks.

How to Stop a Nosebleed In pregnancy?

Well, the good news is that nosebleeds tend to stop on their own, even if you don’t do anything about them. But practicing caution, especially during pregnancy, is the way to go. First things first, try to stay calm. 

Just because you are experiencing nosebleeds out of the blue, doesn’t necessarily mean you have to panic. As scary as it may seem, the majority of the time, nosebleeds are not a cause for concern. So, instead of freaking out over it, try to keep your head cool. 

Next, sit upright and lean forward a bit. This will help prevent blood from flowing down your throat and causing further discomfort. Try pinching your nostrils together with your fingers and breathing through your mouth. Get your hands on a watch and do it for at least 5–10 minutes. 

If that doesn’t work, you may opt for the good old cold compress hack. Applying a cold press can reduce swelling and prevent further bleeding. However, make sure to avoid blowing your nose and inserting any object into the nostrils, as it can cause more harm than good.

When Should I See a Doctor?

Pregnancy is a time of anxiety and uncertainty, as the health of both the mother and the baby is at stake. While most nosebleeds during pregnancy are not serious, it’s important to seek medical help when needed. 

If you’re experiencing frequent or heavy nosebleeds that last for more than 30 minutes, reaching out to a professional is crucial. You should also seek help if your nosebleed is accompanied by other symptoms such as dizziness, headache, vomiting, shortness of breath, or chest pain.

If you have a history of bleeding disorders or are taking blood-thinning meds, it’s crucial to let your healthcare provider know if you’re experiencing nosebleeds. Additionally, if the nosebleed is the result of an injury, it’s best to seek medical help right away.

When it comes to pregnancy related complications, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. This is because nosebleeds during pregnancy can sometimes indicate underlying medical conditions, such as high blood pressure or blood clotting disorders, which may require immediate medical attention.

How Can I Avoid Nose Bleeding During pregnancy? 

If you want to avoid nosebleeds during pregnancy or make sure they don’t happen again, there are a few things you can do. First and foremost, keep sipping on water throughout the day. Staying hydrated during pregnancy can prevent many complications down the road, including dehydration, dry mouth, nausea, and nosebleeds. 

Oftentimes, it’s the allergies that are to blame for nosebleeds. So, make sure to avoid doing anything that might trigger your allergy. This may involve avoiding certain foods, staying away from pets, dust, and pollen, or taking allergy medications as recommended by your OB-GYN. 

If you happen to live in a dry climate, using a humidifier might come in handy. Moreover, consider using a nasal spray to keep your nasal passage moist. As tempting as it may seem at times, picking your nose is a strict no-no if you want to avoid nosebleeds during pregnancy. 

Also, blowing the nose as gently as you can and sneezing with your mouth open can also prevent irritation, which often leads to nosebleeds. Apart from all these, eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, and managing stress can also reduce the risks of nosebleeds a great deal!


If you are pregnant, chances are you are going through a lot of changes, both emotionally and physically. Hormones tend to be all over the place during this time, resulting in symptoms you’ve never encountered before, and nose bleeding is one of them. 

Although legend has it that nosebleeds during pregnancy are a sign of a baby girl, this is factually incorrect. So if you’re curious about your baby’s gender, just wait for your doctor to give you the official word. After all, it’s the health and well-being of the baby that matters most, regardless of their gender. Thanks for making it to the end!

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About Smily Mom

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