When Can a Baby Sit in a Highchair at a Restaurant?

March 18, 2022

By: Smily Mom

When your baby crosses the 6 month’s mark, that’s the right moment for using a high chair at home or at a restaurant!

But you can’t be 100% sure yet. Your baby needs to fulfill some more criteria in order to be ‘eligible’ or more appropriately ‘safe’ for a high chair.


Is it an indispensable baby item? Could be if you want your baby to learn table manners or sit and have food with you at the restaurant.

This brief guide will be enough to satisfy your queries!

Getting to Know a High Chair

High chairs aren’t anything new. Parents have been using it for 3 centuries now. Probably your parents used one or your grandparents used one.

However, modern high chairs are more stylish, intelligently designed and far safer.

In general, a high chair is a chair that has a feeding tray, safety harness and it stands as high as your normal dining table or kitchen counter. Most high chairs these days have adjustable height so you can use tables of various heights.

Design wise, these chairs have a wide base to make it stable and to limit wobbling. You can find them in all sorts of colors and in a lot of forms. You can check out this guide on high chair for counter height tables and there’s a few of them that you can attach to a table and use at any restaurant.

The Right Signs for Using a Highchair at a Restaurant

1. When the baby reaches 6 months

The recommended age for using a high chair is 6 months. Before this, there’s a high level of risk as your baby won’t be able to remain stable. Even at the 6 month’s mark not every baby will have the same physical ability to sit on a high chair. The safest age is 7-8 months.

2. Physical stability and balance

If you are still not sure if your baby is eligible for a high chair, you need to observe her and see if she has developed certain physical abilities.

The first thing to check is whether the baby can hold her head upright without any support. If you see any sort of wobbling or discomfort, then you should wait a few weeks more before using a high chair.

The same goes for her shoulders. If they aren’t upright and are swaying sideways, then that’s a red flag.

Your baby should be able to grab food from the tray using her own hands. Some babies will remain stable until she tries to grab food and lose her composure. These are red signs for using a high chair.

3. Baby is no longer on just liquids

In most cases, babies will start eating solid food when they can sit upright. So, when you see your baby eating solid foods, observe her and examine her physical capabilities.

4. Baby is calm and relaxed

There’s always that one baby who doesn’t stay in one place for longer. Some babies are more excited and have a habit of jumping and causing disaster. In that case, you need to be ultra sure before you make the transition. Sitting in the restaurant with a busy baby can be tough and it’s better you avoid the trip to the restaurant.

Things to Consider When Buying a High Chair for Restaurant Usage

1. Should definitely have an adjustable height setting

You don’t know what kind of table you are going to get in a restaurant. Usually, dining tables at the restaurant will have a height of 28-30”. Whereas, counter-height tables can reach as high as 36”. So, look for a high chair that can reach at least 30” and if it reaches 36”, you can use it in almost all kinds of restaurants. 

2. Portable frame for easy carry to the restaurant

Most of the modern high chair models have wheels attached underneath. And they also fold flat into a manageable shape that you can carry to the restaurant. If going to a restaurant or a friend’s home is your priority then you should definitely look for portability.

3. Try attachable highchair for best experience

Attachable high chairs could be your ultimate solution to eating with your baby in the restaurant. It’s a sort of hook-on chair that you can attach with any kind of table whether it’s a dining table or a high bar table. These chairs are lightweight and can be easily carried without too much space consumption.

4. Harness system to limit movement

A harness or safety buckle is a must with a high chair. Look for a 3-point or 5-point harness for maximum safety.

Final Words

That’s all for now. High chairs are some of the most effective baby accessories for developing table manners and to enjoy food with your baby. However, never leave your baby unattended longer even if the safety buckles are on.

About Smily Mom

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