Is it Bad Luck to Buy Baby Stuff Early?

October 13, 2021

By: Smily Mom

It’s tempting to start buying for your baby as soon as you get a positive pregnancy test.

However, a lot of people around you might stop you from doing that. Bad things can happen to you or the baby if you buy baby stuff too early. This belief isn’t uncommon these days.


Believing in superstitions is your own personal choice. Everyone has their own belief system. But if you want to know the ifs and buts behind this belief, keep reading!

Is it Superstition or Is There Some Truth to It?

There are a lot of pregnancy superstitions around the world. Some of these have traveled from as far as China to the West over thousands of years.

Have you heard about the ‘not touching the baby bump’ myth? It’s a Liberian belief that evil spirits might steal or harm the baby when strangers touch a pregnant mom’s belly.

Even pregnant women are somewhat forced to only look at beautiful faces or other beautiful babies. There’s a Turkish superstition that forbade pregnant women to look at animals like bears, monkeys, and camels.

A more popular superstition is that pregnant women should be allowed to indulge in any kind of food she wants. Because not doing so will create a birthmark of the food on the baby.

Sounds childish and meaningless, right?

Likewise, buying baby stuff early can bring bad luck is also a meaningless superstition in some sense. There’s no scientific truth to any of these.

However…. There are few logical explanations behind this which we will discuss in the next section.

Why Do People Believe in This Myth?

A lot of the time people mindlessly believe in such myths maybe because someone’s mom or grandma did the same. Other times, it’s just peer pressure from other expecting moms who has the same belief.

Moms believe that when they start buying early for their baby, things can go wrong. This could be a miscarriage, an accident, or any kind of mishap related to the baby.

Some do have a logical explanation behind this particular myth.

When you start buying early like in the First-trimester phase which starts from day one of your last periods until the end of the 13th week, you aren’t 100% sure whether your pregnancy will survive.

The buying part doesn’t have any control over your pregnancy. It’s just something people associate to avoid buying now and regret later when something goes wrong.

Should You Start Buying in the First Trimester?

The First-trimester is the earliest phase of pregnancy and most miscarriages occur during this period.

It’s okay to get excited and probably buy a few clothes or items for your expecting baby. No one’s stopping you and at least don’t believe in this myth.

However, it’s best to wait a few months before you are 100% sure (At least medically) that you are having a baby. Because the stuff you buy can become a nightmare later with a miscarriage and it would be extremely painful to give away those things.

We recommend taking care of yourself and focusing more on your body during this phase because it’s one of the toughest phases in pregnancy.

What Can You Actually Buy in the First Trimester?

Other than buying things for your baby, you can buy a few things for your own and all are related to the upcoming baby. Here are few essential things:

  • Vitamin supplements like Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Folic acid, Multivitamin, etc (definitely based on your doctor’s recommendation), or simply buy a bottle of prenatal vitamins.
  • A baby journal to record everything that happens in the upcoming months
  • Ginger candies can help to fight the morning sickness that is common during this phase. Alternatively, you can use acupressure wrist bands as well.

Our Recommendation: The Right Time to Buy Baby Stuff

After the starting of the second trimester which is after the 13th week, you can start to buy things for your baby as this would make a lot more sense. After the 20th week, you can be sure about the baby’s gender and that seems like a good occasion to celebrate and get ready for the baby’s homecoming.

There are a lot more days to come. And, you may end up getting gifts from your relatives which you already have. So, you can wait a little bit more until the middle of your third trimester.

At this phase, you can go full-on and buy car seats, nappies, blankets, baby clothes, cribs, and whatnot! And maybe a breast pump as well. Yes, if you do, check out some of these wearable breast pumps for ultimate comfort and ease of use.

Some moms even go the long way and buy high chairs for feeding the baby when she grows up a little. But hey, that’s totally up to you.

Final Thoughts

The truth is a superstition won’t affect your pregnancy. You can start buying whenever you want. But for the sake of being completely sure about the pregnancy, just wait it out until the second trimester.

About Smily Mom

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