Does Cold Formula Cause Gas?
One of the common questions of new parents is whether cold formula causes gas in the baby’s gut. The answer is Yes and No both. The cold formula is safe for the baby as long as it is naturally cold down to room temperature. But if it’s been refrigerated for too long, or mixed with freezing…
Is it Bad Luck to Buy Baby Stuff Early?
It’s tempting to start buying for your baby as soon as you get a positive pregnancy test. However, a lot of people around you might stop you from doing that. Bad things can happen to you or the baby if you buy baby stuff too early. This belief isn’t uncommon these days. Believing in superstitions…
What Toys Should My Baby & Toddler Have?
“There are no Seven Wonders of the World in the eyes of a child. There are Seven Million”— Walt Streightiff. You can’t buy seven million toys to fulfill the playful desires of your child. But sure you can be a little bit strategic and buy age-appropriate toys that can make everlasting memories. Children will play…
5 Tips For Surviving A Small Living Space With Kids
How can I live in a small space with kids? It’s a common question for those parents who live in a small apartment, and their children are growing. Or, thousands of lovely couples who reside in a tiny home and have a plan to take kids may ask this question. No matter what the scenario…
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How Many Baby Bottles Do I Need If Breastfeeding?
You will need no more than 3-4 bottles if you are also breastfeeding your baby! Guessing the number of bottles for your baby might not be a tough task. But it doesn’t end here. You will also need to figure out what kind of bottle, the material, shape and size of the bottle you need.…
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When Do Babies Stop Wearing Onesies?
On average, babies stop wearing onesies between 12-24 months. Although there’s no hard and fast rule as to how long a baby should wear onesies, most parents toss them out when babies start walking. I can speak from my personal experience that onesies can be quite uncomfortable for babies when they start walking. That’s not…
How to Encourage Your Child to Sleep in Their Own Bed
It’s perfectly all right to let a toddler sleep on your bed. But once they hit the pre-school phase, it’s neither comfortable nor healthy. It’s not easy to get a toddler to sleep in their own bed, especially when they have been sleeping with their parents for quite long. The parental comfort is their cue…
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Can You Eat Baby Powder? What Will Happens If You Eat?
Long story short, definitely not. There’s a reason why baby powder or talcum powder is not meant for eating. It may not kill you immediately if ingested or inhaled. But it will certainly lead to a lot of serious health problems. I’m friends with someone who used to crave baby powder. She is 40 now…
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Can You Use Dryer Sheets on Baby Clothes?(Everything You Need to Know)
If you want a short answer, then no. Dryer sheets have no place on a baby’s clothes. Regular dryer sheets contain chemicals that can potentially irritate a baby’s skin. Having said that, not all chemicals are harmful. All the chemicals found on the label of a pack of a dryer sheet are FDA approved. Moreover, there…
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If Baby Spits up Should I Feed Again? All You Need to Know!
Yes, you can feed your baby just after he spits up if everything is normal.50% of all babies at and under 3 years spits up at least once a day. So, it’s nothing alarming BTW. However, you need to know a few things more to judge the condition better. As a concerned mom and dad,…
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10 Baby Nursery Furniture Ideas to Create a Happy Space for Your New Baby
Since you have stumbled upon this page, I gather that congratulations are in order. Let me tell you one thing. You are already the caring parent your wee one deserves if you are planning to create a happy environment for him or her. Decorating an idyllic nursery is challenging but super fun at the same…
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7 Things I Learned in My First Year as a Twin Mom
My first year with twins was like an extended episode of Man vs Wild, minus all the grossness. Syncing nap schedules, breastfeeding two babies at the same time, dealing with perfectly synchronized poop-fests was indeed a challenge. And I am glad I got to experience all this. Watching my twin boys growing up little by…
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What to Take on Your First Day out with Your Newborn
So when is the big day, huh? Tomorrow? I can see how you are freaking out over the very idea of taking your newborn out for the first time. But this had to be done someday, right? The blogs you have read before you came here told you that it’s going to be okay. I…
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Read has six identical post with six categories and one image
Why add a bunch of content you are going to delete anyway? Vivamus integer non suscipit taciti mus etiam at primis tempor sagittis sit, euismod libero facilisi aptent elementum felis blandit cursus gravida sociis erat ante, eleifend lectus nullam dapibus netus feugiat curae curabitur est ad. Massa curae fringilla porttitor quam sollicitudin iaculis aptent leo…
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Read has six identical post with six categories and one image
Why add a bunch of content you are going to delete anyway? Vivamus integer non suscipit taciti mus etiam at primis tempor sagittis sit, euismod libero facilisi aptent elementum felis blandit cursus gravida sociis erat ante, eleifend lectus nullam dapibus netus feugiat curae curabitur est ad. Massa curae fringilla porttitor quam sollicitudin iaculis aptent leo…
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Read has six identical post with six categories and one image
Why add a bunch of content you are going to delete anyway? Vivamus integer non suscipit taciti mus etiam at primis tempor sagittis sit, euismod libero facilisi aptent elementum felis blandit cursus gravida sociis erat ante, eleifend lectus nullam dapibus netus feugiat curae curabitur est ad. Massa curae fringilla porttitor quam sollicitudin iaculis aptent leo…
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Read has six identical post with six categories and one image
Why add a bunch of content you are going to delete anyway? Vivamus integer non suscipit taciti mus etiam at primis tempor sagittis sit, euismod libero facilisi aptent elementum felis blandit cursus gravida sociis erat ante, eleifend lectus nullam dapibus netus feugiat curae curabitur est ad. Massa curae fringilla porttitor quam sollicitudin iaculis aptent leo…
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Read has six identical post with six categories and one image
Why add a bunch of content you are going to delete anyway? Vivamus integer non suscipit taciti mus etiam at primis tempor sagittis sit, euismod libero facilisi aptent elementum felis blandit cursus gravida sociis erat ante, eleifend lectus nullam dapibus netus feugiat curae curabitur est ad. Massa curae fringilla porttitor quam sollicitudin iaculis aptent leo…
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